Holley Rwanda EPC Project Finished

   At 9:00 pm of March 12, 2011, the last segment of Rwanda EPC Project trans-lake tower line, which was the most difficult part of the project and had great political significance, was successfully finished and put into use. This symbolized the successful finish of the whole project.

   The project members of Holley International worked very hard together to create this benchmark project of electricity transmission and transformation in Rwanda, and realized many first’s in Rwanda: It had the first trans-lake 'line between two towers across a lake; the towers were the tallest for electricity transmission lines; an island within the territory of Rwanda had electrical supply for the first time. Meanwhile, Holley International became the first Chinese company that finished a construction project on schedule.

    Rwanda Project was the first overseas construction project of Holley International. Its successful operation and on-time finish have helped the company realize the preset goals, accumulated experiences in operation of construction projects and set up a solid base for Holley International to become a responsible general supplier and contractor of overseas projects. This project has become a benchmark of sustainable development in overseas construction market and will effectively promote fast development of the company in the 12th five-year-plan period.